Code of Honor

Code of Honor is the school’s approach to establishing the highest behavioral expectations. JIS is guided by a simple code that makes the very foundation of the school.

Every student of JIS will have to believe strongly in the school motto that “Personal integrity is more important than money, power or fame”.

The Pledge of Honor is signed by all students at the beginning of each academic year. It states: “I pledge upon my word of honor as a JIS College student that

1) I will not lie.

2) I will not cheat.

3) I will not steal.

An additional pledge signed on all tests papers and other assignments states: “I pledge my word of honor as a JIS student that I have neither given nor received any help on this assignment.”

Lying (misrepresentation or use of words or silence to convey a false impression), cheating (including plagiarism), stealing, and conspiracy to lie, cheat, or steal are considered violations of the Code of Honor. The Honor Council, the student organization on campus, investigates violations of the Code of Honor in a confidential manner and recommends penalties to the Head of the School. Honor offenses result in serious penalties, possibly including probation and/or dismissal. A second offense for the same violation will be considered as a ground for dismissal.


Honor Offenses

1) Stealing

Taking anything from another person in or outside the school is strictly prohibited. Students are expected to leave their classmates’ belongings alone. One should not borrow or use anything that belongs to another person unless he or she has given permission to do so.

2) Lying

Students are expected to be truthful and honest in their discussions and actions with others. In being truthful, students are expected to speak the truth. Answers to the questions are expected to be entirely factual. There may be a time when being completely honest can result in one fully admitting a mistake or rule violation he or she has committed. Under the Code of Honor, students must take full responsibility for their actions.

3) Cheating

Students are expected to neither give nor receive any unauthorized aid on any academic work. In no way should one pass off another’s work, words, or ideas as one’s own in any academic work.