Who we are?
Jahanara Israil School & College, the first & only private English Version School & College situated at the Southern part of Bangladesh, established in 2010, is a charitable, non-profit, non-commercial and non-political educational institution. The governing body is led by Mr. Saleh M. Sheley, an eminent patron of education, notable philanthropist & widely experienced academic of the country. In the early 2000s, they had a dream to set up a world-class academy as a center of excellence in school & college level education in the private sector. Their dedication, tireless efforts, and hard work paved the way for the approval of the establishment of JISC.
Since, at that time, there was no relevant option in this part of the country to set up and operate an English Medium school & college level academic institution in the private sector, they took the entire responsibility on themselves and extended their best efforts in enacting it. Subsequently, a group of prominent local elites extended their hands in establishing this dream project of enlightening students.
The Board of Trustees (BOT) is the apex policy making and approving body of the university. Mr. Saleh M. Shelly is the current Chairman of the BOT.
In general, JISC is modeled on US Schools and follows their academic features such as lesson plans, semester systems, letter grades, etc. When first introduced, its curricula of academic programs such as English I, English II, Phonics, Saxon Math etc. were largely modeled on the US curriculum which later adopted the NCTB syllabus along with the Americanized syllabus. The institute is delivering a substantial general education curriculum, has a strategic plan, and has initiated and implemented student instructional learning assessment for students up to G XII and is in the process of developing the infrastructure for evaluation of institutional effectiveness for its institutional accreditation.
JIS College At a glance
Founder : Saleh M. Shelley
Foundation : December 1, 2008 (Monday)
Inaugurated on : December 28, 2010 (Tuesday)
Inaugurated by : Late Mayor Advocate Showkat Hossain Hiron
Location : 999, College Row, Barishal.
Contact : Phone: 04321-2177262, Mobile: 01751505090
Building : 6 storied building with an elevator, modern computer lab and science lab
Campus : Well organized
EIIN : 137596
Website : www.jis.edu.bd
E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]
About Us
The year 2010 is marked as the beginning of an era as the gates of Jahanara Israil School and college opened to cater to the pedagogic needs of the southern part Bangladesh as an educational institution backing the English National Curriculum of i.e. English Version. Situated at the heart of the dynamic and stimulating city of Barishal, JIS College has been offering the highest standards of institutional education since its genesis. The inception costed us innumerable dreams, hopes and visions amongst which the first and foremost goal was to avail the best quality modern education here at home in Barishal with an affordable cost. As you are aware, most of the private schools and colleges are situated in Dhaka. We wanted to bring something more to the suburban area as we inclined to decentralize education for all which would prevent our children from leaving for the capital city. Having developed its reputation for high quality holistic education in primary and high school level with inordinate results in board exams like PSC, JSC and SSC, today we have proudly attained the authorization to lay the first stone of English Version Higher Secondary level education in South Bangladesh. JIS College now boastfully provides an inclusive and outstanding 360 degree education to more than 700 students ranging from play group to college.